General questions about our tests

What are the storage conditions for the test chips, solution A and solution B?
In principle, solution A and solution B must be stored in a cool place. Before use, however, they must be brought to room temperature. The test chips themse...
Mi, 7 Jun, 2023 um 3:47 NACHMITTAGS
Does the test kit or the individual components have to be stored in a cool place?
Please refrigerate the entire test kit until you open it for use.  When you open a test kit, insert the measurement cartridge into the device and leave it ...
Mi, 7 Jun, 2023 um 3:51 NACHMITTAGS
Can it make a difference if the finger also has to be massaged when the sample is taken because too little blood comes out, or is that irrelevant?
In fact, sampling can have an impact on the result.  If a lot has to be massaged, tissue fluid accumulates, which can falsify the result.  TIP: Before tak...
Mi, 7 Jun, 2023 um 3:54 NACHMITTAGS
What is a "Quick Guide"
By Quick Guide we refer to the brief instructions (graphic instructions for use) included in the test kit. (this can also be found in electronic form in the...
Mi, 7 Jun, 2023 um 4:06 NACHMITTAGS